Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The "Mom-iform" and a Giveaway

Chasing kids around, picking up messes and running errands requires that you wear a "mom-iform" - aka an outfit where you feel comfortable, is washable and you feel semi cute in.  If I had to describe what my mom-iform was, I'd say it is jeans, a white shirt  (it's bleachable!) and my new "chucks".  I also try adding some fun jewelery in, to fancy up the outfit a bit and add a touch glam.

Hubby took my pictures for this post...  let's just say photography isn't his strong suit ;)

I'm wearing my Stella & Dot Alexia necklace in gold.  Katie from Cabernet and Chaos was sweet enough to send it to me.  It's such a gorgeous piece and can be worn by itself, or layered.  I can not get enough of this necklace and have been wearing it non stop since I got it.  It's my first Stella & Dot piece; for so long I've been curious about Stella & Dot, but have stayed away because I knew once I got something from them, I'd be obsessed - and sure enough I am!  I'm already thinking about what I should purchase next!

Katie is generously offering one of my readers a $40 gift card towards a Stella & Dot item of your choice.  Enter below, the giveaway ends on Monday, April 13th!

Linking up with Pampers & Pearls
Lizzie @ This Happy Life said...

Yep, I'm always in comfy jeans and a tee too! Love that necklace!

Kristina @ Medicine and Manicures said...

Loving that dainty necklace!! Just entered :)

Kristina @ Medicine and Manicures said...

Loving that dainty necklace!! Just entered :)

P!nky said...

You are so cute in your mom uniform. I love the necklace :)!

BLovedBoston said...

Perfect "uniform" for when you're always on the go!! That necklace is so pretty - love the length! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

amanda @ as the wine cork turns said...

the necklace really jazzes it up! love it!

Pink and Fabulous said...

I love that momiform! Such a good one and jewelry definitely changes it up! That necklace is great!!

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

Totally loving that S&D necklace! So cute for every day and perfect for layering! Love those Converse too!

<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes

Claire | Fashion + Feathers said...

It's the perfect no-fuss outfit. Love your chucks!

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

Pretty necklace! Your "mom uniform" is cute too. You should check out where I work. Sadly we don't have any stores in FL, but check out our website.

I hope that you have a great day too!!

Christina @ Still Lucky said...

Yes to the mom uniform! Simple and easy is what it's all about. Love the necklace!

Marie said...

Love your mom uniform. That necklace is fab.

Christina Slay said...

I love my chucks too!!!!

Stacy G said...

Love your necklace! My momiform has been a long top/sweater and leggings and I persoanlly am tired of looking at it. Im ready to transition to my sundress momiform lol. They are just too easy seeing as you don't need to match anything ;). xo

Jillian said...

i love your outfit! this is totally how i dress too...keep it simple and cute! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

the girl in the red shoes said...

LOVE that necklace! And my mom style is totally yoga pants all the time, haha!

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Great giveaway! You always look so cute, but I don't know how you do it wearing jeans down here unless it's December-February :-P

Anonymous said...

Your mom-iform beats my casual wear all day long hah. Love the necklace, too - it's so perfect for day to night! Hope all is well (and thanks for inspiring me to get my ass back at the blogging! Missed your posts!!).

Unknown said...

Cute necklace! I found your blog through Pamper & Pearls. I host a link up every Wednesday (now live!) stop by if you get a chance :)

Susan said...

Love you "mom uniform!" I want those shoes!!

JMO said...

Love this look! (but you always look fabulous!) Great giveaway too!

Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate said...

"Mom-iform" perfection! ;) Fun giveaway too! Thanks for the chance to win something cute like the darling necklace you're sporting in this post! (: