Monday, February 16, 2015

Monica Potter Home {Review}

Good Morning!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Ours was pretty low key - we hung out a lot with family, went to the park and yesterday had a fun dinner date with our friends.  All in all a nice weekend :)

I'm so excited to do this review one: because I loved Parenthood and Monica Potter was my favorite actress on the show, I related to her character in a lot of ways.  And two: because these products really are great!

I reached out to Monica Potter Home one day because I follow Monica Potter on Instagram and I saw that she had a home and body line.  I was intrigued and went on her site.  The Mrs. Potter site is so cool - she has a blog, tips on decorating, crafting, cooking, cleaning, gardening and beauty - I spent quite a while looking around and watching some of her videos.  I also immediately fell in love with the look of her products.  They're all handcrafted and made from high quality ingredients and she sells the most beautiful aprons,  and a gorgeous barn box made from reclaimed wood and tea towels.

The package arrived at my doorstep and everything was packaged great and came with the prettiest muslin bag that can serve as decoration or to take on trips.  Everything that was given to me was in the Sugar Cookie scent, which almost smelled good enough to eat!   I was sent the Beauty Travel Set (body lotion, hand sanitizer, body spray) and a full sized soy candle.  Being the candle addict I am, I lit the candle in our room almost immediately - it gave off such a great, cozy smell, not overpowering at all - it's a candle you can leave burning for hours!

The lotion didn't disappoint either, it was very moisturizing, which means a lot coming from me because I have eczema.  It kept its smell for many hours, the same goes for the body spray - which E is also obsessed with and always asks to be sprayed with "the sugar cookie" before we leave the house.

I'm so glad I was able to try all of these goodies, they are products I know I will use for a long time and it's nice to have a little Monica with me even now that Parenthood is over ;)

Have a great day!
Nina @ Flowers in my Hair said...

I was so excited to see this on my feed this morning because like you I love parenthood and love Monica potter. After reading your review, I definitely want to try her products (and follow her on IG).

Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling said...

Her products look so nice! Love the packaging! I'm all about the soy candles!

Pink and Fabulous said...

I love the packaging and I love Monica Potter!!

BLovedBoston said...

I didn't know she had a line of stuff like that!! Sugar cookie is probably my favorite scent!!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

amanda @ as the wine cork turns said...

i love the logo! i bet sugar cookie does smell amazing!

Carly said...

I've only seen one season of Parenthood so I wasn't even sure who Monica Potter is, but I loved her on the show too! What a cool line of products- the candle looks so nice!

Christina @ Still Lucky said...

Wow, I didn't know she had a line of her of own! That's so cool. I bet it smells amazing, love sugar cookie anything!

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Such pretty packaging, I'm especially eyeing that beautiful candle :)

Claire | Fashion + Feathers said...

Oh my gosh! I bet it smells so good!!

Jess at Just Rainbows and Butterflies said...

I love Monica Potter and miss Parenthood already. I really want to try out her products.

Heather Lockhart said...

I miss Parenthood already! I had no idea she had a home line, very cool.

I do what I want.

Katie Elizabeth said...

I had NO idea that this line even existed! How fun that you were able to try out some of her stuff - I'm still in mourning over Parenthood so I think I need some, too :)

Hall Around Texas said...

Glad you had a good weekend! Parenthood was the best show. I’m so sad it’s over. I still haven’t watched the last episode, because then, it’s really over. Can’t wait to check out her site, thanks for sharing!