Friday, February 13, 2015

Five on Friday (2/13)

I hope you all have had a great week, is it me or are the weeks this year already flying by?  I'm sharing a few of my favorite things this week!

one:  I'm thinking about cutting my hair, but am apprehensive for some reason.  I love this cut, and have actually done it before.  I think there's just a certain comfort in long hair. 

two:  Can we discuss how GORGEOUS this bedroom is?  All of the soft pink and gold, and the fresh flowers on the nightstand - so cozy and chic!

three:   Can't wait for our next girls wine night, this spread looks good!  Wine, cheese, girl talk = perfect night!

four: I'm obsessed with these shoes, but can't find where they're from.  Does anyone know? 

five:  Love this mother/daughter print. 

Have a great weekend!!

*also linking up with High Five for Friday ,   Oh Hey Friday and Meet at The Barre
Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

That spread looks amazing! I love that bedroom too. Have a great weekend! :-)

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...
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Unknown said...

you'd look great with a long bob!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

That bedroom is gorgeous! Love the all white palette with pink and gold accents.. my fav :-D

Happy Friday gurlie!

P!nky said...

Love that cut, you can totally rock it lady. And looooooove that bedroom, swoon worthy indeed.

That quote at the end is perfection!

Alanna @ Alanna and Co said...

I just got a lob a couple months ago and I love it. So much lighter and easier to style. The only downfall is just on a regular day, I have to round brush and blow dry it, when with my long hair I could just air dry and go.

Unknown said...

too funny about the hair cut--i have been having the SAME thoughts. i keep my long hair because it is a comfort to silly the things we think! have a happy weekend!

Courtney said...

That is a great haircut and you'd look fabulous with it. It'd be so fresh and fun for spring!

Love the mother/daughter image :) and those shoes! Gah!

Happy valentines day lady :)

Lizzie @ This Happy Life said...

LOVE that haircut! It would look so good on you. And that print, yep, spot on! Happy weekend!

Pamela @ said...

I think you would look gorgeous with the shorter cut! I say go for it! Have a great Valentine's Day! xo

BLovedBoston said...

I think that haircut on you would look amazing and yes that bedroom is so dreamy!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

I always love the wine and cheese pairing. I see these people make the best cheese spreads and am so jealous. I don't think I could ever make one. I wouldn't know what cheeses to get or where to start! lol

Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} said...

I love that print too! So sweet. And you should totally cut your hair. I want to cut mine too. I just might do it today!
Have a great weekend dear!

Katie Elizabeth said...

Can we have a blogger wine and cheese night?! How amazing would that be? Love those heels and hope you figure out where they're from because I might want them too :) Happy Friday!

JMO said...

Oh geez everything here is on point! I ADORE that bedroom AND those heels! (pinning for sure) Also, the quote at the end is so perfect! Hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend! xo

DeborahYanni said...

That haircut would look super cute on you. That mother/daughter print is perfect! I need that.

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

Please let me know if you find those heels because they are so perfect!!!!

M @ The Sequin Notebook said...

I'm right there with you with feeling a comfort in long hair.. I held onto mine for years, and finally took the plunge this past spring and am so happy I did! And I'm hoping someone comes through with the source of those shoes - love them! Have a great weekend! xoxo

Brittany @ Perpetually Daydreaming said...

Love that cut - I think it would look great on you! And that bedroom is SO dreamy! I wish my hubs would go for that. lol. Have a great weekend lady!

Pink and Fabulous said...

That bedroom is dreamy and I want to recreate that wine and cheese spread right now!! Happy Friday friend :)

Christina @ Still Lucky said...

I think you could pull off shorter hair, but I'm chicken about cutting mine too!

amanda @ as the wine cork turns said...

i love a cute long bob like that! i want to do that after the wedding but we'll see. LOVE that bedroom colors too!

Unknown said...

I also love the print. There's something so special about moms and daughters.

Unknown said...

Great post great blog <3
i am following you can also follow me back please !

Katie @ said...

Ahhh that wine & cheese spread is amazing!! I need that at my next party as well! And loving those shoes...if/when you find out, please share with me? I need those in my life =)

Unknown said...

Do the hair cut!! It will always just grow back if you don't love it, but I'm sure it will look great!! Thanks for linking up with us again at H54F!!!

Katie @ Cup of Tea

Christina said...

i've had that long bob pinned for a while too! it's super cute and just a bit sassy!