Seeing as it's the beginning of the year and I have some new followers, I think I'm due to write a little about me, the woman girl behind the blog....
A few facts about me...
A few facts about me...
- I'm a stay-at-home-mom, but before that I used to work for our local hospital where I taught classes and trained employees new and old
- I'm 30 (almost 31, boo!)
- Spicy food lover, I add red pepper flakes or sirracha to basically everything
- I love fresh flowers and think they should always be in a home
- I'm a neat freak, but have had to tone it down since I've had kids. There's no way my house can be picture perfect with them around and that's ok :)
- Days spent on the beach are my favorite
- I'm fluent in Spanish
- I'm a candle addict and hoarder - there's always a candle lit in my house
- I love party planning and seeing everything come together
- My favorite singer is Marc Anthony - I've loved him since I was 9
- I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican
- I love reality TV - Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is my guilty pleasure
- I'm TERRIBLE at sports, like bad - I'm not coordinated at ALL
- If you can't tell by the name Kids and Cabernet I'm a wine lover and wanna-be connoisseur
- I was born in New York, but have lived in FL since I was 5
- I love to travel and explore new places. We're still trying to figure out what we're doing this year, but I think visiting Charleston is pretty high on the list... although so is going back to Punta Cana
- I'm a worrier by nature. It pretty much encompasses most things - like driving with the gas tank lower than 1/4 full! #panicmode
- I love decorating our house and making it a home
- Home Goods and Target are my favorite stores, I could spend hours looking around
So fun learning more about you!! I'm 34 and felt like I was the only blogger of the bunch in their 30s. Cheers to that! :-)
Always love learning more about you!! So awesome that you are fluent in Spanish - are you teaching your kids too? xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
Loved learning more about you, lady! I love fresh flowers and candles, always have one lit in the home, too!
I stayed home sick today and am currently watching RHOBH, and I agree about the fresh flowers!
fun post! i had no idea you were born in New York! Im terrible at sports glad that i've finally accepted that haha xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Love learning more about you! We have way too much in common! Take me back to Punta Cana and to Charleston please! And move back to NY :)
Love fresh flowers around the home, they're just so pretty and give it more of a home-y feel :)
You just reminded me that last night's RHOBH episode is waiting for my on the DVR yayyyy!
I LOVE Home Goods and Target too!!!
I love getting to know more about bloggers through posts like this! Charleston and Punta Cana are both on my travel wish list this year, too :)
Love Biana's question! I'm pretty sure that once you all visit Charleston you're going to add it to your list of places to live. Just sayin' ;)
I agree. Are you teaching your kids? Also what's your hair regime? ;)
so just reading about you panicking about driving with the gas tank less than 1/4 made me panic!! haha i am definitely a worrier as well :)
I'm absolutely a candle addict too. Luckily Jared loves them as much as I do so he happily picks them out with me regularly! :) Nothing like a yummy-smelling house! My gas tank would stress you out... it's ALWAYS on E.
Umm yes to Home Goods and Target! I actually did spend hours there this morning, ha! And glad I'm not the only one that won't drive below 1/4 a tank, my husband thinks I'm crazy :)
You're awesome.
That's all :)
Home Goods and Target are two of my favorite stores too! And I can totally relate to that someecard :) anddd I have to admit, in my entire life driving, the gas light in my car has only come on ONCE because I'm so paranoid of running out of gas I don't let it go under 1/4 tank either! haha
I've been following you for awhile, but I love posts like these any time! RHOB and all those other Bravo shows are my guilty pleasure as well...luckily, my husband enjoys them too! Haha. He wouldn't be happy that I told anyone that.
Love this getting to know you more post. I'm terrible at sports too!! And love party planning…. and candles… and flowers...and wine… are we the same person?! :-)
My husband LOVES driving until the light comes on. FREAKS ME OUT. I told him when I was pregnant with Mason that he must, at all times, have the tank at least over 1/4 full just in case I went into labor. I did NOT want to run out of gas on the way to the hospital! And thankfully, we took my car and I'm always prepared lol :)
Such a fun post! I'm a total spice lover too :)
Ok, I totally didnt realize we had so much in common!! Were the same age, both love candles, fresh flowers, the beach, and spicy food AND were both neat freaks! Love it!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
I think these posts are so great! Even though I've followed along for a while, I definitely didn't know some of these things...well I think I knew you loved the beach ;) Thanks for the intro, girl!
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