Wednesday, February 25, 2015

An Introduction...

Seeing as it's the beginning of the year and I have some new followers, I think I'm due to write a little about me, the woman girl behind the blog....

A few facts about me...

  • I'm a stay-at-home-mom, but before that I used to work for our local hospital where I taught classes and trained employees new and old
  • I'm 30 (almost 31, boo!)

  • Spicy food lover, I add red pepper flakes or sirracha to basically everything
  • I love fresh flowers and think they should always be in a home
  • I'm a neat freak, but have had to tone it down since I've had kids. There's no way my house can be picture perfect with them around and that's ok :)
  • Days spent on the beach are my favorite
  • I'm fluent in Spanish
  • I'm a candle addict and hoarder - there's always a candle lit in my house
  • I love party planning and seeing everything come together
  • My favorite singer is Marc Anthony - I've loved him since I was 9
  • I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican
  • I love reality TV -  Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is my guilty pleasure
  • I'm TERRIBLE at sports, like bad - I'm not coordinated at ALL
  • If you can't tell by the name Kids and Cabernet I'm a wine lover and wanna-be connoisseur 
  • I was born in New York, but have lived in FL since I was 5
  • I love to travel and explore new places.  We're still trying to figure out what we're doing this year, but I think visiting Charleston is pretty high on the list... although so is going back to Punta Cana
  • I'm a worrier by nature.  It pretty much encompasses most things - like driving with the gas tank lower than 1/4 full! #panicmode
  • I love decorating our house and making it a home
  • Home Goods and Target are my favorite stores, I could spend hours looking around
Ok, that's all I can think of for now.  Is there anything else you'd like to know?  Do you have anything in common?
Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

So fun learning more about you!! I'm 34 and felt like I was the only blogger of the bunch in their 30s. Cheers to that! :-)

BLovedBoston said...

Always love learning more about you!! So awesome that you are fluent in Spanish - are you teaching your kids too? xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

P!nky said...

Loved learning more about you, lady! I love fresh flowers and candles, always have one lit in the home, too!

Nichole @ said...

I stayed home sick today and am currently watching RHOBH, and I agree about the fresh flowers!

Unknown said...

fun post! i had no idea you were born in New York! Im terrible at sports glad that i've finally accepted that haha xo jillian - cornflake dreams

Pink and Fabulous said...

Love learning more about you! We have way too much in common! Take me back to Punta Cana and to Charleston please! And move back to NY :)

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Love fresh flowers around the home, they're just so pretty and give it more of a home-y feel :)

You just reminded me that last night's RHOBH episode is waiting for my on the DVR yayyyy!

Christina Slay said...

I LOVE Home Goods and Target too!!!

B @ The Sequin Notebook said...

I love getting to know more about bloggers through posts like this! Charleston and Punta Cana are both on my travel wish list this year, too :)

Anonymous said...

Love Biana's question! I'm pretty sure that once you all visit Charleston you're going to add it to your list of places to live. Just sayin' ;)

Nina @ Flowers in my Hair said...

I agree. Are you teaching your kids? Also what's your hair regime? ;)

Kristen said...

so just reading about you panicking about driving with the gas tank less than 1/4 made me panic!! haha i am definitely a worrier as well :)

Erin LFF said...

I'm absolutely a candle addict too. Luckily Jared loves them as much as I do so he happily picks them out with me regularly! :) Nothing like a yummy-smelling house! My gas tank would stress you out... it's ALWAYS on E.

Katie Elizabeth said...

Umm yes to Home Goods and Target! I actually did spend hours there this morning, ha! And glad I'm not the only one that won't drive below 1/4 a tank, my husband thinks I'm crazy :)

Courtney said...

You're awesome.

That's all :)

Carly said...

Home Goods and Target are two of my favorite stores too! And I can totally relate to that someecard :) anddd I have to admit, in my entire life driving, the gas light in my car has only come on ONCE because I'm so paranoid of running out of gas I don't let it go under 1/4 tank either! haha

Jaclyn Y said...

I've been following you for awhile, but I love posts like these any time! RHOB and all those other Bravo shows are my guilty pleasure as well...luckily, my husband enjoys them too! Haha. He wouldn't be happy that I told anyone that.

Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

Love this getting to know you more post. I'm terrible at sports too!! And love party planning…. and candles… and flowers...and wine… are we the same person?! :-)

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

My husband LOVES driving until the light comes on. FREAKS ME OUT. I told him when I was pregnant with Mason that he must, at all times, have the tank at least over 1/4 full just in case I went into labor. I did NOT want to run out of gas on the way to the hospital! And thankfully, we took my car and I'm always prepared lol :)

Lizzie @ This Happy Life said...

Such a fun post! I'm a total spice lover too :)

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

Ok, I totally didnt realize we had so much in common!! Were the same age, both love candles, fresh flowers, the beach, and spicy food AND were both neat freaks! Love it!

<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes

Katie @ said...

I think these posts are so great! Even though I've followed along for a while, I definitely didn't know some of these things...well I think I knew you loved the beach ;) Thanks for the intro, girl!