Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Energy Boost!

I don't know if it's just me, but I find myself feeling sluggish throughout the day.  It may be that I'm with two kids all day long, or the fact that I don't exercise, or that I go to bed too late.  Either way, I need a boost of energy.  There are a lot of things that I should be doing differently so that I feel more energized and ready to tackle my days.  I found this chart on Pinterest and I'm going to try putting these tips along with some others to practice.

Another few things I need to do are: 

Drink more water -- I'm terrible at getting eight glasses a day.  I get maybe 4-5 and I'm sure that has to do with my energy levels.

Vitamins -- I'm always hit or miss with taking them, it's terrible.  I'm not quite sure why it's so hard for me to remember to take them.

Go to bed earlier -- I so cherish my quiet time at night to blog, watch tv, and just vegetate since I'm always on the go with the kiddos during the day.  I cherish my time so much that I go to bed at midnight almost every night, and then J is up by 6-6:30 every morning ready to party.  I need to try getting at least an hour more sleep.

Exercise -- I never do this, I'm terrible!  I need to at least incorporate stretching to my days.

What do you do to feel more energized?

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Pink and Fabulous said...

Ugh number seven is my go to. I'm with you on the staying up late to get me time. They just need to send out some mom energy magic or something!

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

I'm so bad at drinking enough water too. And I swear dehydration must run in my family because my mom and my grandmother were both hospitalized for dehydration within the past week! I'm really bad about going to bed on time too... ugh!

<3, Pamela

Megan at Megan Can said...

I'm the worst at exercising too! I've been working on it because when I do I sleep better & I wake up soo much better! Oh the struggles...

Kristen said...

B12! I probably already tooted this horn, but for reals. I am horrible with vitamins, and I am also weary of them, but this absolutely works. And one day I forgot to take it, and the next day I was dragging. So that really helps me remember! When I posted about it, a lot of people commented that they loved it too, so I'm not alone! :)

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

These are such good tips! I am also horrible at drinking enough water and taking vitamins...and I leave my vitamins right on the counter so I will see and remember them! Maybe I should leave them next to the coffee

Katie Elizabeth said...

I've also heard a lot of good things about B12 as someone else mentioned! I'll usually chug some water for a quick pick me up. Oh, and cleaning up really helps me get moving on the weekends! I'm not a huge coffee drinker and I don't want to get addicted to it like my husband.. he gets headaches and moody if he doesn't have any, haha!

Jaclyn Y said...

I am by nature a low-energy person, and I hate it! These tips are great though. I've recently started working out again...just twenty minutes a day, and I do think it helps.

Anonymous said...

Hah that ecard...the morning is the WORST for feeling tired. No matter if it's my husband or I who get up first to feed the fur kids, we bring up two mugs of coffee and sit in bed with them while attempting to fully open our eyes. Great tips for throughout the day!

Nina @ Flowers in my Hair said...

Giiiiirrrrrl. Story of my life.

Rachel said...

I hear ya girl! I am feeling my post-lunch sluggishness now haha. I can definitely say the water thing helps, and I am horrible about it too. But I definitely notice a difference.

Amanda {Tickled Pink} said...

Some B12 vitamins would totally amp your energy! Also, I noticed since I cut back on caffeine i actually have way more energy (once I got past the detox haha!). We've been doing yoga via YouTube videos for 15 minutes at night after chores and once Lily is in bed! So amazing how fabulous it feels just to get loosened up! Better than the chiropractor for sure! -xo

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Whenever I'm feeling sluggish, if I can make myself do 10 jumping jacks (which, okay, is a rare thing) I'm immediately revived. I guess it's my heart pumping just a little faster that makes all the difference.

Laura Darling said...

Cleaning actually helps me too. or maybe being in a clean house is what really helps! It just makes me feel like I can concentrate on "doing" things other than straightening up! And of course, coffee is always a good fall back!

Ally Harding said...

I started taking vitamin D3 and it has made such a difference in my energy. My level was super low plus I work nights and never go out in the sun. I usually take around 2000-5000 units a day. I buy the 1000 unit pills. Even if you don't know your level you really can't overdose on vitamin D. So you're safe to take it without out knowing if you're normal or low. But I will say most women are low.

Jillian said...

great tips!! working out in the middle of the day helps me wake up and gives me a lot of energy -- of course i eat lunch afterwards so that helps too! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

Rebecca and Lori said...

I think I just keep feeling sluggish! And your list of bad habits- the things you need to do more- it is like reading about myself! I need to do all of those things.
Anyway, thanks for the tips- I'll definitely be trying them out next time I'm feeling a little bit sluggish.