Monday, January 6, 2014

Saving Moola

Hi friends!  I hope you all had a nice and relaxing weekend.  We didn't to that much, it was more of a laid back weekend.  I was able to drop off a whole bunch of bags to the consignment store, and had a fun wine night with two close friends besides that it was family hang out time - which is fine for me!

One of the things on my mind lately has been saving money.  I feel like our family could be way better at budgeting and saving.  We have never had a set "budget" and some months save more money than other months or some months not save at all which is unacceptable.  I'm still on the hunt for budget printout that I feel would work best for our family.  I want to sit down with the hubs since he does the finances and make a realistic budget for our family.

A couple of the things that I've done to try to save some money is one -  unsubscribe from all of the emails about sales or store promotions.  I wouldn't say that I shop a lot, but getting emails in your inbox daily about sales does make me want to spend money even if I'm not in NEED of anything and a lot of times that I do shop, it's because of an email that I got.  From now on, I'm going to shop when I need an item (unless I'm in Target, then I have no control) and find the deal that's best at that time.  The second thing I did was let go of my cleaning lady.  I had someone come once a month to clean.  It's hard to clean a house with two kids that constantly need and want your attention, but I'm going to give it a try.  I'm setting up a cleaning schedule and going to clean something in my house everyday so the house is constantly clean.  It is a great feeling when the cleaning lady came and viola! the whole house was clean at once, but I'm going to give this a try and save over $100 a month by doing so.

What are your tips/tricks to saving?  Do you have a budget you stick to?

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

GOOD advice about the daily e-mails! So true..I'm sure I'd save a TON of money if I just limit them from my email entirely.

Katie Elizabeth said...

I'm guilty with the shopping emails, too! So many times I've thought "this is such a good deal, I HAVE to buy it"!

Alexa said...

Saving money is so tough, we finally created a family budget that we're sticking to this year, but it's hard with kids!!! That meme is hilarious!

Christina @ Still Lucky said...

I'm constantly trying to save money too! We don't stick to a budget but I'm trying to keep track of all our spending this year. I plan on writing down every single item we purchase a month and seeing all our other bills to see how much we have left over. It's tough!

Ally Harding said...

I was just thinking today I needed to get rid of all the sales emails. It really does feed my shopping addiction!

Pink and Fabulous said...

I feel like I am always trying to find ways to save money and cut costs so we can spend our money better. I love that I am not the only one! We cut out a cleaning lady and after a while it just became part of life to not have her anymore! A budget is such a good thing!

Kitty and June said...

The shopping emails def get ya! I put myself on a no-shopping-limit a few years ago for 6 weeks. I'm going on one again...sometime soon! :)

Vanessa Esperanza said...

I'm so happy I found your blog! Xoxo
Nessa's World