Monday, August 26, 2013

Our Weekend

I'm trying to convince myself of the above... even though I'm home with the kids Monday-Friday there's something still pretty awesome about the weekends.  How was everyone's weekend?  Ours was nice. I'm still tired from the weekend, not because of anything exciting though, my son (J) has his molars coming out so he's been waking up once during the night then up for the day at 5:45!  Ugh!  I thought he woke up early before when he was waking between 6:30-7, but this just brought it to a whole new level. Hopefully once his molar comes through he'll go back to his old schedule.

On to this weekend...

Friday my mom, sister, and I had a great time at the Marc Anthony concert.  He puts on a great show every time without fail.  It was nice to hang out the three of us and do something fun without the kids.

On Saturday I was so tired from the not being able to sleep and from J awakening at 5:15 that I stayed put at home.  My sister-in-law came over in the evening and we drank a really good new wine, I can't wait to tell you guys about this one on Wednesday!

Yesterday my husband had a guys only Fantasy Football draft and after it was over all of the families got together, went to the pool and had a barbecue.  I left J with his grandma and just brought E with us. It was nice getting together with everyone, there must have been 20 kids - it was crazy, but they had a great time playing and that's all that matters.

What did you go this weekend?  Is anyone part of a Fantasy Football League?  I hear there are a lot of girl leagues.  I'm not in one, I don't understand football.  I'm going to need hubby to teach me!


jennifer said...

Ugh I hate Mondays too! Mya recently got her bottom molars, and it was pretty rough. It felt like they took forever! Hopefully the top ones will be easier?

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Hi Jennifer - molars are the worse! My daughter held up well with teething, my son on the other hand gets cranky and I feel so bad for you. I hope the top are easier for Mya :)

Becky {This Is Happiness} said...

Sounds like a great weekend! We tried to soak up our last summer weekend and did some organizing for the first day of school.

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Organizing sounds nice too. Nothing like starting the new school year organized and ready! :)