Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"A" is for Autumn

All of these posts around blogland have me excited for Fall to come.  We live in the south though so cool weather is not around the corner for us unfortunately.  I'm looking forward to it though.  Cooler weather usually brings a lot of fun things our way, things we can only enjoy for a very short period of time because it's usually so hot!  We definitely savor the cooler weather.. some of my favorites are

We typically do a lot of these once the weather gets a little chilly.  We have friends over, drink wine and get out our blankets and light a fire in our fire pit.  It's so much fun!  The kids love it too, especially when s'mores are involved!!

Starbucks Creme Brulee Lattes
Do I need to say anything else?  YUM!  They are my favorite!  I love the bits of caramelized sugar on top... I'm one happy girl when Starbucks starts selling them!

Evening walks
Such a simple thing, but it's so nice to take walks and not get overheated or have mosquitoes biting you.  We have a great time as a family.  We walk, talk and there aren't any distractions.

Warm clothes
I often wish I lived in a state where there was an actual "fall season" and I could wear sweaters, boots and scarves -- typically here fall means kinda cool in the mornings and kinda cool at night... days are still hot so you're not really wearing your sweaters and scarves all day.  Here are some outfits that I think are cute:

Cinnamon brooms
Publix sells them --do all supermarkets sell these?  It smells up my house with the most amazing warm cinnamon smell, I love it!

Pumpkin Pie
One of my favorite pies...

What are you looking forward to most of all when fall comes around?

jennifer said...

What are cooler temps like in Florida? I've always wanted to live there, but I can't talk the hubby into it. He likes all 4 seaons. Me, on the other hand, all I need is Fall and Summer :) We had the perfect fall weather a few weeks ago, and now suddenly, we're back in a heat advisory! Ugh!

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Fall for us is like low 70's morning and evenings and mid 80's during the day so it's still pretty warm, but it's not as humid which is nice. Winters vary but it's usually anywhere between 30s-60's so winters are pretty nice :)

Khammany said...

Fall is my most favorite season by far! I just love the coziness of it all, sitting on the couch under a blanket reading a book or watching TV and when it gets chilly enough, a fire in the fireplace. I love being able to cook a nice meal in the house (it's too hot to cook in the summer!). Scarves, boots, jeans, sweaters, layering!

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Sounds great! And you made me remember another Fall favorite - the start of shows! I'm ready for my favorite shows to come back on'

Sara McCarty said...

This is like torture, since it's 6,000 degrees here right now! Bring on the fall!

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Haha - right?! I guess it gives us something to look forward to. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you got Autumn sorted. I love laying up, makes dressing in the morning much more fun. We live in Michigan and the fall is beautiful.

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Oh I'm jealous! I love seeing the leaves change colors. We have family in Portland and visiting during the Fall is my favorite - it's so pretty! Enjoy it!