Thursday, March 12, 2015


I had to jump on the bandwagon with Shelby and Ally with this post.  They've been so fun to read and find out more about bloggers, so here we go!

Four of my nicknames:
  1. Manda
  2. Mandy
  3. Hun
  4. Yukie (only my uncle calls me this, thank god!)

Four Jobs I've had
  1. Sales Associate at Things Remembered
  2. Sales Associate at Keds
  3. Receptionist at Veterinarian Office
  4. ER Registrar

Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once
  1. When Harry Met Sally
  2. Sleepless in Seattle
  3. Blended
  4. Father of the Bride

Four Things in my Purse
  1. Gum
  2. Wallet
  3. Lipgloss
  4. Pen

Four Places I've Lived
  1. New York
  2. Orlando
  3. South Florida
  4. Dominican Republic - only for a couple months

Four Places I've Visited
  1. Portland, Oregon
  2. Mexico
  3. North Carolina
  4. Puerto Rico

Four Places on my Travel Bucket List
  1. Greece
  2. South Carolina (Charleston!!)
  3. Paris
  4. Bora Bora

Four Things I don't Eat (this is hard, I'm not very picky)
  1. Mustard
  2. Leftover fish, it's way too fishy tasting
  3. Frog legs
  4. Pig's feet - Caribbean people make this.  Although it smells good, there's just NO WAY! 
Four TV Shows I watch
  1. Friends
  2. Gilmore Girls
  3. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
  4. Parenthood

Four Things I Look Forward to in 2015
  1. Traveling
  2. Finishing a few rooms in the house
  3. Making memories
  4. Being with my family/friends

Have a great Thursday friends!

Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

awesome post! And yeah, no way I am touching pigs' feet or frog legs too!!

BLovedBoston said...

Gary's dad loves pigs feet and you're right it's totally a Caribbean / island thing!! I'm so excited you are going to be knocking charleston off that travel list! :) xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

I love these posts! I definitely want to travel to Greece some day. I mean seriously, how gorgeous is that picture? I cant imagine it in person! And yes to ALL of your wont eat list. Except the fish, I wont eat fish at all LOL

<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes

Courtney [Sweet Turtle Soup] said...

Fun! Your travel bucket list is the same as mine!

East Coast Chic {Natalie} said...

Mustard is sooo good! You need to give it a shot again haha. I won't eat left over fish either. Love this and I might need to steal it! Greece is on my list too. Friends is still my favorite show of all time.

Jillian said...

i love seeing charleston on your travel wish list!! And Greece is one of my favorite places i've ever traveled to! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

I would love to go to Greece some day. I would also like to visit Charleston, my in-laws like 2 hours from there. Paris is my favorite city, it's so beautiful. :-)

Fun learning more about you, and I hope that you are having a great day so far! :-)

amanda @ as the wine cork turns said...

this is such a cute idea!! totally doing this next week. i was dying laughing at your foods you don't like. mustard??? and i can so see the leftover fish thing. yuck!

Anonymous said...

I swear that red dress was made for you! YES to Charleston, Bora Bora and Charleston. I bet you were so cute as a Keds sales girl ;)

Elle Sees said...

i WANT TO go to greece and bora bora too! i could use a trip right about now.

Unknown said...

such a fun post! okay PIGS FEET...don't know how people do it!

Pink and Fabulous said...

I love this post! You are a warm weather girl minus that stint in NY ;)

P!nky said...

I need to travel with you! We have similar lists!

Courtney said...

This is fun! Charleston is great! So beautiful.

I've only been in the Paris airport :p maybe someday I'll see more of it ;)

Katie Elizabeth said...

Woohoo to Charleston! Do you guys have a trip in the works? I was noticing all of your Charleston to do pins :) Happy Thursday!

Heather Lockhart said...

I think I've seen Father of the Bride (and Father of the Bride II) a thousand times. LOVE those movies!

Claire | Fashion + Feathers said...

What a fun post! I have one started and I think I'll post it on a "rainy day." What, no pig legs for you??

Claire | Fashion + Feathers said...

What a fun post! I have one started and I think I'll post it on a "rainy day." What, no pig legs for you??

Ally- Life as I know it said...

Glad you liked Blended too! I found that movie so funny! Also glad to see my hometown is one of your places to visit!
Ally - Life as I know it

Happily Ever Parker said...

Bora Bora is #2 on my travel wish list!

Unknown said...

This was a fun post! I'm Jamaican and I agree...I'm not eating any pigs' feet. I love the Gilmore Girls-so glad that reruns are available on-demand. Happy Thursday, Amanda :)

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

Loving your bucket list and loved getting to know more about you! I'm DYING to go to Bora Bora too... one day!

Stacy G said...

Love reading these. I love Real housewives of BH too lol. Marc always just shakes his head. I just can't resist lol. You have lived a lot of different places! I have been here in Pa my whole life and I live about 5 min away from my parents house lol.