Thursday, March 19, 2015

30 Ways You Know You're A Mom

In the five plus years I've had the privilege of being a mom, I've learned a lot.  Being a mom is a hard, hard job.  You are everything to your kids: doctor, therapist, chauffeur, confidant, friend, judge, cuddler, comforter, maid, cook - and the list goes on!

So how do you know when you've entered "mom status?"

You know you're a mom when...
  1. Having an audience while you use the bathroom is the norm
  2. Going to the store without the kids is a vacation
  3. You sit in the car for another 10-15 minutes after your "store vacation" before you go back into the house
  4. A glass of wine a night (or two) is needed
  5. You randomly find pacifiers, toys, hair ties and socks in your purse
  6. You haven't napped in years... like the really good naps
  7. You need coffee to survive
  8. You can hear the slightest noise your kid makes while you're in the middle of your deepest sleep
  9. Baby wipes are the solution for spills, stains, cleaning your iPad screen ect.
  10. You've hidden while eating sweets just to not share
  11. The ABC's are not only for learning purposes, but you use the song to teach your kids how long they should wash their hands
  12. You wake up and find children in your bed
  13. Bodily fluids no longer gross you out (when coming from your kids)
  14. You never leave the house without snacks
  15. You care about them more than yourself
  16. You have the ability to brush your teeth, wash your face, get dressed, and put makeup on in 5 minutes
  17. You talk about your kids 80% of the time you're out with your mom friends and/or your husband
  18. You catch yourself watching the Disney Channel after the kids have gone to bed
  19. You have kid selfies on your cellphone - most of which their heads are half cut off
  20. You say things your parents said
  21. You constantly wonder if you're doing a good job
  22. You find yourself negotiating with a toddler 
  23. You make up stories just so they eat, sleep and poop
  24. Nothing sounds better than a date night or girl's night out 
  25. You cry at every mom/kid related commercial
  26. You can experience the greatest joy and biggest headache at the same time
  27.  You can change a diaper in the dark in 10 seconds flat
  28. You know the songs to every Disney/PBS show
  29. Your iPad screen has finger prints and traces of food caked on the screen
  30. You love your kids more than anything in the world

What are some ways you know you're officially a mom?  Did I miss any?  I think this list could go one and on!

Happy Thursday!

Thoughts for Thursday
The Deliberate Mom

BLovedBoston said...

You should submit this to buzzfeed - it's so good!! I can agree with all of these when I babysit for my two nieces and nephew...well not the whole list but a lot of it!! You're a great mom!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

P!nky said...

This is so great, I totally agree with Biana.

A vacation in the car, oh boy!

Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling said...

This is hilarious!! I can relate to a lot of them now as a mommy!! The trash goes out more than you do... :( #truth

Zoe {The Latina Lens} said...

This is the MOST truthful Mommy list ever made!! Lol!!

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

I agree with Biana about submitting this to Buzzfeed, its great!! I never really had a good idea about what it was like to be a mom until my older sister asked me to come to L.A. for two weeks to help her with my nieces. Even though it was only 2 weeks, it was the most eye-opening experience of my life. I've never worked so hard in my life. I have SO much respect and admiration for moms now. You are all amazing. You kids are so cute too and I'm sure that you're an amazing mom too!! :-)

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Awwwww love this list! And I sure hope I can get over my fear of bodily fluids when I'm a mom because right now I just can't handle anything puke related. My mom said I'll just get over it. Gosh I hope so :-P

Christina Slay said...

Yep! Yep! and Yep! All of those. Great list! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that hides so I don't have to share my sweets sometimes.

Pamela @ said...

This is such a good list. I totally relate. I was just telling my husband that tomorrow I want to sneak to Target "on the late night" (which means 9 pm) so I can go by myself and roam the store and I got SO excited about it, lol.

Lizzie @ This Happy Life said...

Yes, yes and more yes!!!!!!

Kristen said...

this is hilarious and also slightly terrifying hahaha

Pink and Fabulous said...

This is the BEST list ever. I agree with every single thing on it! You're giving Buzzfeed a run for their money!!

Anonymous said...

Haha hiding to eat sweets is awesome. I know my mom used to hide peanut M&Ms on the top shelf in the kitchen but we would still steal them. I gave "Love you Forever" to my new mama friend - that quote is so sweet :)

Karli at Girls Traveling said...

i may be throwing myself under the bus here, but what about wiping boogers in random places when a tissue / garbage is nowhere in sight. like today...i wiped my daughter's booger on the inside of her pant leg. mom fail? no shame in my game.

Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} said...

Oh girl, so yes! Yes to all of it! I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of 99-100% of this. Kids really do change you.

Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate said...

LOVE IT!!! I can absolutely relate! lol :D Fun post, Amanda! ;)

Stacy G said...

Love it!! I have sadly hidden and eaten the last cupcake before. In my defense I have 3 kids it's only fair, bc it couldn't be split 3 ways lol. I also sat and watched Maleficent the other night even though the boys fell asleep about ten min into the movie. xo

Christina @ Still Lucky said...

I love this! So many truths!

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

Oh my gosh!!! If I were to write this, I think it would be exactly this. Sounds like our lives are very similar :)

Meghan said...

This list was so true and funny! I cracked up at all the uses for wipes... I don't know how I ever lived without them!

East Coast Chic {Natalie} said...

I have no idea how I missed this post!! I can relate to everyone of these! Perfect list. Baby wipes are my new all purpose house cleaner. Apple juice on the floor or dust on the bookshelves- just grab a wipe. We make up a lot of songs in our house to get stuff done.