Friday, February 20, 2015

Five on Friday (2/20)

Happy Friday!!!

It's a cold morning here in Florida, we woke up to it being 39 degrees - it's the coldest day yet! Hope you all are staying warm, I know 39 degrees is nothing compared to you northerners!  I'm linking up to share my favorites this week :)

one:  I couldn't resist the loft 40% off sale this week.  I ordered a few new pieces for me, one being this Paisley Lace Top, which I'm obsessed with.

two:  Katie posted about this yesterday, but if you're a parent you HAVE to check out this list of parental questions on kids' shows.  I've wondered about many of them before and was dying laughing at some.

Another favorite link this week was The Inspired Room's 12 Months of Decluttering.  I'm definitely going to give some of the areas a try, it's so easy for clutter to accumulate!

three:  I discovered GoVino glasses - while I haven't tried them yet, they seem really cool.  They are unbreakable wine glasses (they have champagne flutes, decanters and beer glasses too!)  They would be perfect to take to a picnic to to have at an outside event!

four:  Loving this beautiful Blue & White Striped Ottoman from Kirklands - it had me wracking my brain on where I could put it in my house.  The result?  No where, so one of you buy this beauty and enjoy it for me, ok? ;)

five:  This quote...

Have a great weekend everyone!

*also linking up with High Five for Friday ,   Oh Hey Friday and Meet at The Barre
Laura Marie Keenan said...

Love that lace top; it will be gorgeous on you!

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

39 degrees would feel like spring here! Haha. We are currently in the single digits here in Chicago. Anyway, love that lace top, so pretty. I also love that ottoman. Those wine glasses sound like a great idea for a party, or for people who spill their wine sometimes like me lol. I hope that you have a great weekend! :-)

Jillian said...

cute top! off to check out that decluttering list :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

Colleen Sullivan said...

39 degrees? Brrrr! That is freezing to us. Love the top you got from LOFT -- so versatile.

Pink and Fabulous said...

I need that lace top, it's so pretty! I also love that bench! I wish I could find a place for it!! Have a happy, party-filled weekend!! xo

BLovedBoston said...

Oh that ottoman is just so perfect and very seaside like!! Those glasses were made for you! Happy Friday! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

Alanna @ Alanna and Co said...

That last quote cannot be more true! Also just realized you do a wine link-up. Definitely joining next time!

Heather Lockhart said...

We got a couple of govino wine glasses at a wine tasting we went to this week. Can't wait for the weather to warm up so that we can try them out!


Courtney said...

Those glasses are awesome! And yeah, 39 degrees is positively balmy this time of year! Haha!

Happy Friday :)

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Those govino glasses are awesome! Love that they're unbreakable :)

And brrrrr I'm over this cold front already, and excited for the warmer temps this weekend.

Happy Friday gurlie <3

Happily Ever Parker said...

I saw that lace top in the loft by my office last week and wanted to buy it! So cute but alas they only had it in petite small (which these nursing boobs are clearly NOT!) haha. Have a great weekend mama!

B @ The Sequin Notebook said...

That lace top is adorable - I'm so ready to put away my sweaters and get into some spring fashion!

Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

That lace top is perfection. Hope the party goes well!!!

DeborahYanni said...

I love that top! I can never find cute stuff like that on sale. I need to do better. lol Stay warm, these cool temps in Florida are the worst!

Katie Elizabeth said...

Love that quote! Hope you're staying warm - is it ridiculous that tomorrow our high is 33 degrees and I'm so excited?! Haha happy Friday!

JMO said...

I looked at that top today too and fell in love! Their cami's are marked down too! I love my govion glasses byt he way- great purchase (just can't wait to use them again haha) Hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend! xo

Kristina @ Medicine and Manicures said...

You're gonna love that paisley top… so pretty!! Stay warm this weekend! xo

East Coast Chic {Natalie} said...

Love that bench!! Now I need to figure out a place for it. Those parental questions about tv shoes are hysterical. I cannot stand Nina needs to go- someone needs to teach Nina a lesson! That loft top is so cute- I'm trying to stay away from that sale. Too much good stuff.

The View From Up Here said...

Love that top! When they sent out the email about their sale, I really wanted to go and never made it. I will definitely have to go sometime this week to check out all their new stuff! :)

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

I love that ottoman too! Pinning it for when we eventually, maybe have a house! Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

I love just about everything in that ottoman picture! So lovely. Hope you're having a great weekend! Thanks for linking up again with H54F!

Katie @ Cup of Tea

Katie @ said...

Girl I'm thiking I need that GoVino smart! =) And I love that line at the end. Life is too short, right??