Happy almost Friday! It's been a long week here with both kids sick. I feel so bad for them when they're sick - nothing tugs at a mom's heart more than seeing her kids not feeling well, but even with all of the boogies and coughing we have had moments to be thankful for:

We have had fun going outside in the evenings and playing on the play set. I love the fact that it's in the backyard and takes no effort, i.e. I don't have to get them dressed - they can be out there in their PJ's, and I can have a glass of wine without fears of what other mothers' would think if I brought wine to the park ;)
I'm thankful for this guy who cooks dinner most nights and is an AMAZING cook. This was him chopping away last night he made grilled skirt steak, sauteed onions and peppers, black beans and I made white rice and fried plantains - everything was so good!
I love finding goofy pictures of the kids playing with photo booth on my iPad. They have way too much fun with it and I always get a good laugh out of seeing the pictures.
I'm thankful for morning snuggles with my kids - it's one of the best times of the day, they're still half asleep and love to cuddle.
I get such joy watching E play with Playdoh (I'm not as joyous when it's time to clean it up though). She sits and entertains herself and I get to hear her little imagination come into play. Cookies are made, new clothes for barbies, ice cream, pizza - you name it, that girl makes it. She's at such a fun age!
What are some things you're thankful for?

I'm jealous of your backyard playground and your husband that cooks! Maybe we should do a wife swap for a week! ;)
Nothing like a guy who can cook. Honestly. Growing up, in a pretty Italian home, my dad did 70% of the cooking and it was so good for me as a small human. I never even knew there was a perception that a woman's place was in the kitchen (wrong) until I was much older and old enough to know it was dumb. there is my two cents of feminism at 520 PST time
I hope everyone starts feeling better soon! How awesome that your hubby cooks so much and such awesome meals?!
What a sweet post. That play structure is awesome! I bet they love it. Grilled steak and plantains? That's my kind of dinner! Hope your babies get better soon.
Awww all great things to be thankful for!! :)
<3, Pamela
Can your hubby please come cook me dinner!? Sounds delish!! And your kids, just so cute! I also love heading to the backyard more than the park most days, soooo easy! :)
So sorry to hear your kids weren't feeling well this week! It's so hard when family is sick and there's little you can do to help! Hope they're feeling much better now! It sounds like you had a delicious dinner-- also, I love the prints you have in your kitchen!
Love the moments you have with your kiddos - and I'm right with you on the play doh - so fun at the time but then the worst to clean up!
Love that we were both thankful for our men that can cook this week! :) Hope you're all feeling better soon!
your kids are too cute! i wish my hubby cooked dinner most nights ;)
yahh! my husband is a great cook too! isnt it the BEST! we are really spoiled. xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Sorry your kids have been sick, that's not good! I do most of the cooking but my hubby does the cleaning, so I'm ok with that haha. He is a master on the grill though! :)
I remember playing with play-doh like once in my whole life! My mom was in the camp of 'that stuff is so messy'. E looks like she's having a blast!
I love your private park + bar in the backyard ha. PlayDoh is the best (minus cleanup - agreed). Fun times but sorry the littles aren't feeling the greatest!
I very much enjoy your perks to a backyard jungle gym! I'm pretty sure it is necessary here now.
Hope you all start feeling better soon! Having the play set in your backyard has to be so nice and I hear you about the glass of wine with no judging :)
I hope your kiddos are feeling better! What a cool playset! We recently bought one for our kiddos & I am so unhappy with it. I'm seriously thinking about returning. Where did y'all get yours?
So sweet! I hope your littles are feeling better.
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