As a parent, we know how much we love our children, how hard we work for them and how much we sacrifice for them, but often times wonder (at least I do) do my children know how much I love them? Do I show it enough? When Brilliant Earth contacted me to be part of their Love & Appreciation: Bright Like a Diamond Campaign I thought it was such a cute idea. We were to ask our children what they felt what was the definition of love whether between mommy and daddy or between a parent and child.
I took this opportunity to ask E how does she know that mommy loves her... she took a second to think and first said "because love is in your heart." So then I asked her "how do you know mommy loves you?" she thought again and said "because you pray with me, talk with me and we play together". I thought that was such a great answer and I felt thankful and like I was doing my job as being a loving and nurturing mom. Sometimes after the kids go to sleep I reflect on the day and wonder if I did my job as a loving mother - did I show them how much I love them? Did I spend enough time with them? Did I lose my patience too easily? I was so happy to know that among all of the chaos of having two children close in age, and all of the demands of life that I make an impact on her and show her how much I love her, and she knows how loved she is.
I am by no means a perfect mom and I'm sure I make a million mistakes, but as long as my children feel loved - that's all that matters.
If you have never heard of Brilliant Earth, check out their website. They specialize in ethically sourced engagement rings and have such a gorgeous selection! Of course I spent way too long on there looking at rings, I mean - what girl can turn away from a diamond, especially one that's ethically sourced?! :)

I took this opportunity to ask E how does she know that mommy loves her... she took a second to think and first said "because love is in your heart." So then I asked her "how do you know mommy loves you?" she thought again and said "because you pray with me, talk with me and we play together". I thought that was such a great answer and I felt thankful and like I was doing my job as being a loving and nurturing mom. Sometimes after the kids go to sleep I reflect on the day and wonder if I did my job as a loving mother - did I show them how much I love them? Did I spend enough time with them? Did I lose my patience too easily? I was so happy to know that among all of the chaos of having two children close in age, and all of the demands of life that I make an impact on her and show her how much I love her, and she knows how loved she is.
I am by no means a perfect mom and I'm sure I make a million mistakes, but as long as my children feel loved - that's all that matters.
If you have never heard of Brilliant Earth, check out their website. They specialize in ethically sourced engagement rings and have such a gorgeous selection! Of course I spent way too long on there looking at rings, I mean - what girl can turn away from a diamond, especially one that's ethically sourced?! :)

What a dollbaby- perfect answer that I am sure melted your heart! You are clearly doing something right ;)
Awww, such a sweet answer! Love the 3 pictures.. you guys are both adorable :)
Awww, such a sweet answer! Love the 3 pictures - you guys are both adorable! :)
Aww she is SO cute!!! Her answers were so sweet! Sounds like an amazing little girl! :)
<3, Pamela
this is so cute! i asked my son the same question (he's 2.5) and he said, "no more whys, mommy." ha!
What a sweet post-- the pictures of you guys are so cute & her answers are precious!
Oh my goodness, your little lady is so smart and so sweet! Love the pictures!!
awwwww this is too cute! you're such a good mom! love her answer.
So precious, love her answer! She is a doll.
aww this is so sweet! happy early mothers day to you! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Aw so sweet. Glad you have this conversation in print to look back on later. Brilliant Earth has such gorgeous jewelry for sure! #wantitallplease
Awww what sweet answers -- and I loooove those growth progression pics of you two :)
how cute! also i have the same hair as your daughter.
Oh my gosh could her answers be any cuter?! That is so sweet
This made my heart smile! Such a sweet answer. You're an awesome Mommy!
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