One thing that I love reading on other blogs about is the way other moms dress. I wouldn't say I'm super stylish, I basically go for cute and comfortable. Here is what I normally wear day-to-day:

I usually stick to a simple top and yoga pants and my slippers. I don't know if it's just me, but the last year or two I cannot walk barefoot the way I used to - my feet start to hurt, I need my slippers! The jewelry that I have on is because I sleep with it, not trying to look cute. Days spent at home are usually spent makeup free.
I usually stick to a simple top and yoga pants and my slippers. I don't know if it's just me, but the last year or two I cannot walk barefoot the way I used to - my feet start to hurt, I need my slippers! The jewelry that I have on is because I sleep with it, not trying to look cute. Days spent at home are usually spent makeup free.
Running errands usually consists of the above outfits. I try to be as comfortable as possible, still trying to look kind of cute. I keep my accessories to the minimum because I feel it's easier to manage with the kids without too many bracelets and necklaces. I really do wish I accessorized more, I see so many moms that look super cute with all of their accessories!

My day-to-day makeup routine is easy, it takes about 2-3 minutes: concealer, MAC Studio Fix powder, Urban Decay Rockstar Eyleliner (my fave), MAC blush in Margin and mascara - boom, easy! I also can't leave the house without my Carmex lip blam - I'm obsessed!
How do you lovely ladies dress? Are you more accessorized than me? Do you dress up at home? Tell me all of your secrets! ;)
Girl, I literally just started back to being a stay at home mom. Like really, just started back. I have to get dressed I cannot wear work out or lounge gear or I stay in lazy mode. Stupid brain. I adore your laid back errand look. I wish I could pull a maxi dress but I'm too short LOL!
I actually work from home (Drew is in daycare) and generally don't leave my comfy pants and sweatshirts or hoodies! :)
Love your errand running looks! I try to get dressed up raining out of sweats) each day. It helps motivate me but then if we don't have anything planned, I feel like I'm wasting cute outfits. Ha! It's so hard to look cute but stay functional enough to get on the floor and play with a toddler. Thanks for sharing! -xo
I work FT outside of the home, so dressing for work can vary. We aren't too casual, but you get strange looks if you're too dressy! At home I really enjoy my ratty old yoga pants... but I have embraced the tights and tunics trend, which is a bit dressier and just as comfy!
You're the second person this week who has talked about the age rewind concealer! I guess I'm going to have to give it a try!
I don't have any kids...but I've been thinking about my mom clothes for the last couple years. Anytime I go through my closet to get rid of stuff, I always hang onto certain things thinking "this will be perfect for when I'm pregnant and have kids!" I'm such a weirdo haha.
I need to try that Mac blush... a trip to Sephora is in my future! Your outfits are adorable - thanks for joining us today!
I'm not a mom but your at home look is my at home look.
I love your style! I have been trying to break out of the sweatpants and messy bun routine that I have been in but it's so hard! My 7 month old likes to spit up on every nice outfit that I have (so cliche')...
love that maxi dress! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
I don't have kids but wear almost these exact same outfits for at home or running around! Loving that maxi dress.. can't wait for warmer weather to break those out again. They make getting dressed everyday so easy!
Love that maxi dress! So cute.
Not a mom but.... can't go wrong with a maxi dress!
My style is similar to yours - causal and neat, but still stylish! Love that on the go maxi!
I probably dress exactly the same as you! I am definitely much more comfy/dressed down at home, but I like to snazz it up a bit when I go out. Plus, I love clothes! Although since having kids, workout clothes have taken on a whole new meaning and love!
I am all about cute and comfy. I'd totally wear these outfits :)
Loving the workout gear. Seriously I wish I could stay at home so I could wear that always but if not that dress is gorg!
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