Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mommy Needs A Time Out

First off  I want to say that I love being a mom, and being a stay-at-home mom at that.  My kids are my life and I'm happy that I get the privilege of being with them every minute; but being with them every minute (although I wouldn't change it for a thing) can have it's challenges too.  There are meltdowns, tantrums, messes, sibling fights, laundry, sweet moments, funny moments, cuddles and kisses - by the end of the day I'm exhausted and drained.  Then we have those oh so special times when someone goes to bed at their normal time and they sleep for an hour or two and then wake up right when you're about to go to bed and they think it's party time and you're up for another 2 hours.  It's never a dull moment, there is no lunch breaks or clocking out  it's 24 hours a day and 7 days a week- it's a lot sometimes... and at times I feel like I'm running out of gas.

I'm so grateful for my support system - I have the best family who is always willing to babysit and I have great mommy girlfriends who are always ready for a night out with our husbands or a girl's wine night so we can de-stress, laugh and have adult conversations.  There's even the occasional weekend getaway that really helps me and come I can come back to mommy-hood refreshed and ready.

Do you fellow mommies ever feel the same way?  How do you relax when you feel like you've had enough?
Veronica Lee said...

Such cute kiddos!

Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
Have a nice day!

Hannah Terpstra said...

Definitely can relate at times! A good bath with some wine always helps ;) Thanks for linking up to the Mom-Lovin hope today!!

Unknown said...

Hello! Welcome to blogging! Popping over from the Mom Lovin Bloghop - these are a great way to meet other bloggers, so good on ya for linking up!

On another note, Ohhh yes, can relate on many levels. At one point I told Chris I was going to join the circus! It's always worth it though after the snuggles, giggles, and I love you's. Heart MELTERS much!?


jennifer said...

I know the feeling friend! I'm not a SAHM, so I think it helps me to have some time away at work, even though I HATE being gone!

Ally Harding said...

I don't know how you SAHM's do it! I can't stand babysitting for longer than an hour! What a sacrifice staying home and watching your kids 24/7 without much time to yourself! At the same time I'm sure you'll look back and be so happy you did it. My mom's always said she wished she could have stayed home with us when we were younger!

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Thanks so much! Have a great day!

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Good idea! I may have to try the bath... The wine I do nightly after they go to bed :)

Have a great day!

Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Thank you Marta! I just stopped by your blog -- it's so cute :)

And yes, sometimes my days feel like a circus haha