Monday, September 30, 2013

This weekend....

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Ours was pretty nice... full of activities, but not too many which is a great balance.

On Friday - J and his brother spent the late morning/early afternoon putting a trellis around our fence so Jake (our puppy) can't escape anymore.  He's so small he would fit through the slats in our fence and I was that girl who was always chasing after her dog with her pajamas on - ugh!  I'm so happy they got it done, and now he can go in the backyard and I don't have to worry about him escaping.

Saturday we went to our friend's wedding, it was gorgeous and we had such a great time.  It was nice to enjoy an evening out among adults without the kids.  Of course, I waited until the last minute to shop for a dress, found one that I loved and looked great on, it was a little long but I thought it would be ok when I put heels on - wrong!  It was still too long and I didn't get to wear it, I didn't want to be stepping on it all night.  I was so bummed I wasted my time looking.  I ended up wearing something I already had in my closet and was kicking myself for waiting until the last minute to buy something.

Sunday was a relaxing day around the house.  It consisted of football and organizing.  My sister-in-law and brother-in-law came over in the evening and we drank some wine and hung out, it was a nice ending to our weekend.

What did you do this past weekend?  Any last minute shoppers out there?!

I hope you all have a great Monday!


Alexa said...

Ah sounds like a fantastic weekend. I still can't believe tomorrow is the first day of October!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I have definitely done my fair share of waiting til the last minute for a dress, always a dress! I usually get lucky, but I hate when I don't find what I need and/or it's wayyy too much money!

Tania said...

Agh! Our dog did the same thing...definitely chased him in all kinds of crazy outfits!