Thursday, May 7, 2015

Laundry Made Easy

I don't know about you, but I never felt like I could keep up with the laundry in the house.  Every time I did laundry I felt overwhelmed and like it would take up most of my day, especially the kids' clothes.  I would let two weeks pass sometimes before I washed their clothes, until basically they barely had anything left to wear and then I would be stuck with huge amounts to fold.  And if you've ever folded kids clothes you know what I mean - the basket never empties because their clothes are so little!  It was bad, and I was guilty of not wanting to fold them and most likely living out of a basket until I finally folded them.  Another thing -  my husband used to do his own laundry, which I know - sounds great, but he would wait until the last minute to wash, and his clothes would be piled HIGH in the laundry room - ugh!

I decided that we needed to make a change with our laundry habits and quick!  So I made a schedule and have stuck with it.  The schedule is that I wash, fold and put away one load of laundry per day.  This has made me happy, especially when I walk into the laundry room and don't see mountains of clothes.

How do you handle the laundry in your house?  Do you use a schedule too?  I swear it has been the best time saver!

PS - Don't forget to enter the $125 Amazon gift card giveaway and the Kate Spade giveaway!

Pink and Fabulous said...

I love the idea of a schedule! I try to do a load a day, but I hate running all over the house putting it away. I also dream of a laundry room on the main floor of our house!

Traci Taylor Hart said...

You sound like me! I used to let it pile up (and still do sometimes) but I have been trying to at least do one load a day. I also try to fold it right when it comes out of the dryer so everything isn't wrinkled because I HATE ironing and rarely do it!
Have a great day!
Waltz Me To Heaven

BLovedBoston said...

I love that laundry schedule!! We usually do ours on Friday nights in our building - most people never do laundry then and since we usually watch a movie at home it's perfect! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

Christina @ Still Lucky said...

I made a cleaning schedule for the house, a laundry schedule sounds like a good idea too! With another baby, laundry is out of control in our house now!

Ally- Life as I know it said...

I need to get on a schedule too. Even though it's just the 2 of us it really piles up. I don't mind putting the clothes in the washer/dryer but folding them and putting them up is a different story!
Ally - Life as I know it

Christina Slay said...

I HATE laundry!!!! I have 2 baskets sitting to be folded in my laundry room and a pile of clothes that I did fold sitting on a chair in my bedroom waiting to be put away. UGH!!! I know it only takes like 2 minutes to put it away but I just can't seem to get it done. Maybe I should try the 1 load of laundry a day thing.

elle jo said...

Found you through a link up, that's definitely a much better schedule than what we do in our house. It's usually grab all the clothes we see throw them in the laundry and then they sit clean in the dryer for a week.

Liz → {sundays with sophie}

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

Ugh I hate doing laundry. Let me rephrase that... I hate putting laundry away, I don't mind doing it. We do all of our laundry on Sunday but with no kids it's not a lot of clothes. The schedule thing is super smart!

<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes

Shelly @ The Queen in Between said...

Laundry is the devil....I hate it more than any other chore including cleaning the toilets!

Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Coming up with a schedule is a great idea! Right now it's still just the 2 of us, so I do 2 loads each weekend, one for darks and one for lights. And the worst is when I forget that I have laundry to fold upstairs and I come up at night ready to crash and there aren't any sheets on the bed :-P

Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling said...

This is a fantastic idea! I feel like I can never keep caught up with the laundry! I may have to use this :) :)

Anonymous said...

With 4 people to wash for, this is a great solution to avoid the madness! good job!

Nina @ Flowers in my Hair said...

So organized!

Courtney said...

Typically, I wash, dry, fold, and put away all on Monday. Then on Tuesday I fluff and put away all of our hang dry items. It works for now, but when little miss arrives I can guarantee there will be a few more loads per week :p

Evelina said...

I only do laundry on the weekends. I usually have 3-4 loads to do. Putting the clothes away is the worst part!!

Erin said...

There's always so much laundry and so little time! I'm actually so bad at laundry my husband asks me to let him do it! haha

Her Heartland Soul

Michelle said...

I don't have little ones home anymore. My husband actually makes the most laundry. Me, I like to do it all on one day, usually the weekends and it is washed, folded and put away after each load. The schedule sounds like a good plan. I actually don't mind doing it. It is a mindless chore that actually is relaxing to me.

Stacy G said...

This is a great Idea! I am the absolute worst at doing laundry! Just ask Marc. I just hate it...I honestly have to hide baskets of laundry sometimes if people come over lol. My worst thing is really putting it away. I would just rather be doing anything else. Maybe it will get better when the kids can help put theirs away! xo

Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

this is a good idea and something to keep in mind for the future! we don't have a lot of laundry since it's just the 2 of us, but i know it will be hectic in a few years!

Unknown said...

This is super smart. We don't have an actual laundry room currently (it's all housed in our basement) and it's easy to get caught up in the "out of sight, out of mind" until there's no underwear lol.