Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A few of my favorite things....

There are so many simple things in life that can just brighten your day especially when you feel like you have had enough...

I've mentioned this before, but fresh flowers are such a great thing to keep at home.  They bring prettiness and a piece of nature indoors.

My kids
Look at these faces, even when I'm having the worst mommy day, nothing brightens me more than scrolling through my phone album and seeing these beautiful faces.  I'm so happy I get to be their mommy!

I know you didn't know that one was coming right?!  Whether with friends, or having a glass cuddled up on the couch watching mindless TV, it's nice to have some and have a little "me" time and unwind.

My Hubby
I love having someone to go through life with through good and bad and be able to laugh (and fight) with. We drive each other crazy - but I love him :)

Evening Walks on the Beach
It's nature's stress relief... the ocean breeze, the sound of the waves and the sand in your toes...

What are some of your favorite things?
Christina @ Still Lucky said...

I love fresh flowers too. If only I could have them around the house at all times!

Ally Harding said...

Fresh flowers are definitely at the top of my favorite things list! Wine is a close second! Going shopping has to be one of my favorites too!

Katie Elizabeth said...

I have really come to appreciate fresh flowers this year! They really brighten up a room (and your day!). I wish I could enjoy walks on the beach all year round!

Alexa said...

Love flowers and of course the kiddos always make me smile.

Pink and Fabulous said...

I think they are all my favorite things on a rough day! The perfect choices! I hope you're not having any rough days! xo

Unknown said...

I LOVE peonies. they're one of my favorite flowers! amazing!

Linzi Scarsella said...

You have a beautiful family. I can't wait to read more of your blogs.