Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Recap

I hope you all had a great weekend!  Ours was pretty low key, but good.  My favorite day was Friday - my mother-in-law works half days and she stayed with the kids while I had some 'me time'.  I went to the mall and got some things at The Limited a pretty red dress - which is a change for me, I don't own anything red, and some jewelry.  I also went to Bath and Body Works and picked up a few candles, I finally got my pumpkin scent Pumpkin Caramel Latte which smells so good!  To finished up my fun free time I went to Target where I got the cutest pitcher on clearance for $3!

Saturday we had my cousin and his wife over for dinner,  They were down from Orlando and I hadn't seem them since their wedding in February, so it was nice to catch up a bit.  Sunday we spent the day at home in our PJ's and did laundry, watched movies and I painted E's nails - which I love doing, being a girl mom is the best!  It was nice to not really do anything and just veg (as much as you can with kids).

What did you do this weekend?

jennifer said...

yay for B&B candles! That pitcher is so cute!

Katie @ said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! Love that dress and I'm jealous of your B&BW candles...I'm desperately in need of some like ASAP! =)

Pink and Fabulous said...

Those candles smell like heaven! I love having a little guy to paint nails with too! Looks like a perfect weekend! xo

Sara Elizabeth said...

That blackberry candle smells amazing I bet! And that red dress looks so pretty! Yay for a great weekend!